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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thirty things I druther do than write my thesis

·         Laugh at Odin the Large and Lazy with the monster cone of shame

·         Write blog posts

·         Hang with Mary

·         Hang with Pat, Sherree, Sindy, Bill… you get the point

·         Talk to Daughter One and also, Daughter Two

·         Mow the lawn

·         Shop for groceries

·         Cook

·         Go to work

·         Take a road trip

·         Make staple patterns in scratch paper

·         Rock out with my pencil drumsticks

·         Fold clean clothes

·         Throw the ball for Zoey the Small and Annoying

·         Put together a Care Package for One

·         Look up the arrival date of Two for the nth time tonight

·         Stand in the sliding back door watching the rain

·         Stand in the sliding back door watching it not rain

·         Stand in the sliding back door

·         Cycle the dishwasher

·         Fold more clean clothes

·         Watch reruns of Restaurant Impossible

·         Wonder about stuff that occurs to me at random

·         Organize my materials for the yth time

·         Wonder about stuff that occurs to me at random

·         Check the toner in the laser prionter

·         Check my WeightWatchers score

·         Walk around

·         Sharpen pencils

·         Sit and stare at the computer screen

I promise to blog more when the thesis is submitted. Of course, this is predicated on actually starting…

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