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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Staying home

Counting from last Thursday evening’s arrival back home from a business trip (technically, Friday morning, thanks to some misdirected luggage but I’m not bitter) I have at least the next seven weeks of no business travel. Last time I had such a home stretch was at least three years ago.

I don’t have the words to convey how happy this makes me. Don’t get me wrong here – I truly love my field work with the nonprofits and workers living with disabilities. It’s a wonderful job if ever there was one. And next time I hit the road I’ll enthusiastically throw my go bag in the car and head for the airport.

But I do get tired of living out of a suitcase, eating restaurant food and figuring out showerheads. And you’ll likely not be surprised to learn that regardless of the satisfaction I derive from my day job there is nothing I like quite as much as returning to my nest for a spell.

I love being with Mary, especially when, as is the case tonight we’re not doing anything special. We went to the store for milk and a new wireless mouse, ate dinner together and now we’re sitting in our family room watching a Law and Order rerun. As I said, nothing special. Unless you’re what my company calls a ‘road warrior.’ I am one, so being home on a Sunday evening with no need to pack a bag is a treat.

Next weekend both daughters will be here. Mary and Daughters One and also Two will spend a good part of the three days shopping for stuff de wedding, owing to Two’s newly betrothed status. I will hold down the fort, keep the dogs happy and complete a few items on the get-the-manse-ready-for-sale list. NO, I won’t be accompanying them on their shopping spree. But that’s okay; they’ll be home evenings and we’ll have sit back time together.

MY life these days consists largely of contemplating how truly fortunate I am. And of course, working on the website, which I swear to have up and running soon.

I’m home and as always, that is the best place to be. 

Sunday, August 13, 2017

She died for us

Heather Heyer was 32 when she became one of my personal heros.  

Heather was the young woman who died when a Trump-inspired wannabe Nazi plowed into a peaceful group of protesters, then backed away at high speed, like the coward he was.

I didn’t know her and now I never will but she died doing what we should all be doing, facing down the ignorant, the bigoted, those who claim to represent the best interests of the ‘white’ majority in this country but who fail utterly to comprehend what this country is all about. She went there to lend support and to raise her voice. And I wish I’d been there beside her.

I won’t name the criminals here because they are beneath mention. The people who deserve mention were sprawled across this miscreant’s car hood, writhing on the pavement and in Heather’s case, lay dying. 

For those who said last year that Trump couldn’t be worse than Clinton, please take notice. This is what happens when a person like Trump is elected to the highest office on our country. It is precisely his ‘presidency’ - and that’s a tragically loose use of the term - that has emboldened the worst among us.  They’ve always been out there, hiding in the cultural sewers and cesspools and now, they have a figurehead around whom they can rally.

Shame on all of us until Trump and his ilk are sent packing.

Heather Heyer stood up for us. And now, she has died for us. 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Best weekend ever

Got my first rejection on da book.

Someone I love is going through tough times.

It was hot when I left Michigan and even hotter when I got home.

I keep noticing new things that I hadn’t realized the burglars took.

The arthritis in my left thumb is flared up and I keep moving it wrong.

On the other hand (okay, yes, pun intended):

We spent much of the weekend working on the house, fixing the things we need to get done before we put it on the market. I felt I accomplished something.

That someone I love will be okay and has never stopped being one of the people I admire.

Mary and I both got ugly sweaty and dirty as a result of our labors and I was reminded of putting in the landscaping at the first house we owned together. Those were good times, smelly bods and all.

Started main writing (I think, we’ll see how it goes) on the next book.

I threw away half a package of cookies because I didn’t gobble them before they got stale. Score!

I spent the week with wonderful people and in a solitary road trip over the top of Michigan – beautiful state!

This week, I’ll be in conference with a lot of people who work to make the world a fairer place.

As is often the case at Chez McD – life is good!