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Friday, October 16, 2015

Flash philosophy

I've been flash writing lately, flash fiction with a meetup group and flash everything else during lunch at work. It really helps clear my mind for working on the book, which is closing in on finished, I so swear. This one I'd like to share with you in hopes that some of you will come up with your own Flash Philosophy lists.

So, here’s the dealio: Make a list of the alphabet and then go back starting with Z and record a thought - any thought -  with the first (or more) word(s) starting with the letter in question. DO NOT begin with A because you’ll spend too much time worrying about Q and X and Z and this is not supposed to be about worrying. Go as fast as you can and don’t stress – this is not a test, so you are allowed to use a dictionary. And NO EDITING – once you’ve written an entry, go to the next letter and don't look back.
And pre-forgive yourself; they won’t all be nuggets, as you can readily discern from my list below. I did this while I ate a salad for lunch yesterday.

My alphabetical list for the day.
Ask; if you don’t, the answer is always ‘No!’

Buffoon: See Donald Trump.

Customary makes for comfort but crushes cultivation.
Dogs do it because they can; what’s your excuse?

Ebb and flow is one of my favorite ways to imagine life.
Furtive is not a way to live one’s life.

Grimy is a nicer adjective than pristine, don’t you think? (More fun, anyway…)
Heap your plate with good food; then stop as soon as you’re full.

Inflexibility makes one’s back hurt.
Jealousy will almost always drive that which you seek further from your grasp.

Kitten starts with ‘k’; cat does not.
Let it go.

Mammaries on men mortify me (I mean, er, them).
Nouns are useless without verbs.

Only uncaring idiots hit the ‘door close’ button.
Pay attention, but don’t lurk.

Question. Frequently.
Rip one in church. If they don’t laugh, find another congregation.

Stop and watch.
Take time. In the end, that’s really the only thing you can do with it that has worth.

Upgrade your knowledge; your computer can wait.
Vary your routine.

Wear comfortable clothing.
Xylophones are not only for pre-schoolers.

You is a word on which to focus; better yet, we. Leave them for those others.
Zig-zag – you’ll see more and the baddies can’t zero in on you.

1 comment:

  1. Cool idea. Nice nuggets. Gonna do them now while I listen to the rain and thunder.


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