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Monday, February 20, 2012

Why I love blogging

I’ve always loved writing. Any kind of writing.
Which is not the same as saying that I’m always as disciplined as I should be or as insightful as I’d like to be. But I do thrive on sharing thoughts via the written word. And I am never quite so at peace with myself as when I’ve crafted an argument or explanation that even if not compelling, at least accurately conveys my thoughts.
So, why a vanity blog? Why not just keep a journal? Or go to the other extreme and actively seek the attention of a wider audience of readers? I know the answer to the first question. I don’t keep a journal because  I just don’t see the point of being a writer without a reader.
It’s all about communication, which is necessarily a two-way affair. I need to have an audience. I’d like to think it’s not a conceit to hope that others will enjoy some of the same ideas as me.
Maybe it’s a way of asking for absolution. Having been raised altar-boy-Catholic, I can see the parallels between this little blog and the confessional. I lay out my thoughts and beliefs in the sure and certain knowledge that I’ll be forgiven by the person on the other side of the screen.
Certainly, there’s an element of egoism here. I mean, what little boy never wanted to stand before an audience of friends and family and shout, “Hey, look what I can do!” And the ego is safe because even if the stunt isn’t perfect, this audience will smile and nod.
Self-analysis is a part of it, no doubt. Writing this blog allows me to look back on things I’ve done or failed to do, said or failed to say, and to reconstruct how I got to where I am. And perhaps be comfortable with where I’m going.
It could be that I write for the same reason a dog licks himself – because I can.
I love this little blog. And I hope you’ll continue to enjoy reading it. I just don’t like one-sided conversations.  

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