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Wednesday, December 19, 2012


As we head into the New Year, I’m determined to make two changes: less me and more writing output. The less me side of things will be a function of a magical combination that I’ve just invented and may soon patent: less in through the pie hole and more out through the sweat glands. Don’t know how I thought of it. We’ve joined a really good gym where I’ve found I really enjoy spending time. I’ll let you know how the whole eating thing works out.
As to the writing, I’m toying with the idea of taking this blog beyond the confines of a little vanity publication meant for a few close friends and actually start blogging. Of course, this would require a change in attitude.

I’ve become really lazy, both as to quantity and quality. Reading through some past postings, there are some typos that I’m shocked I didn’t catch, odd word choices, questionable usages, flagrant violation of the rules of punctuation, etc. All this as evidence of the way I write these things – once I have the idea, I just write until I run out of words and then hit the submit button. If I’m feeling particularly industrious, I might make as much as a single pass through to catch the most obvious sins. If I’m queasy about posting something – something personal about family or friends, for example – I may do some actual editing and will usually let Mary exercise veto power.
For the most part, though, what you see here is pretty much as it occurred to me. And that also speaks to the other side of the equation – quantity. I’ve felt free to post when the spirit moved me, which is the lazy man’s way of, well, being lazy. If I’m going to turn this thing into a real blog, and especially if I want to start building a following, I have to get that discipline thing going.

But of course, that would mean posting on time, when expected and only good writing free from obvious defects.  I REALLY like writing, and I’d like to start getting an actual conversation going with a regular family of readers, but discipline? Hm-m-m.
I believe perhaps Fagin put it best, “I think I’d better think it out again!”


  1. Again, tons of people who are crazy busy and overwhelmed would love to log on and read a fairly short but spot on blog about something that they relate to or something that makes them smile. You have the gift of gab and you spin a "short" story that would be one of their "I am looking forward to reading my favorite blog" when I get home!


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