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Friday, December 13, 2013

Listening while lunching

I’ve been TED talking again.
Well actually, I’ve been listening to TED talks. Now, some of you might cock your heads a bit at the idea of me listening without talking but I actually do spend a lot of my day listening. Just, maybe not so much when any of you happen to be around…

I sometimes stay in my office and listen to TED talks whilst I munch my midday victuals. And the cool thing about TED talks is that I can almost always come across one that speaks to me (pun intended).
I know I’ve written about this before but really, you gotta check these things out.

Today, I ate Asian and worked on building a teaching example while I listened to a talk by a Nigerian writer named Chimimanda Ngozi Adichie. She spoke of “the danger of a single story.” It was fabulous! Please trust me and look it up.
(By the bye, if you do listen to Ms. Adichie’s talk and then continue reading this blog, there’s an outside chance you’ll recognize echoes of her thoughts in a future missive. Yes, I occasionally borrow the odd idea or two. Don’t hate me!)


  1. I've listened to her Single story talk a couple of times. Excellent.

  2. That you, Toni? What are some of your fave TEDs?


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