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Monday, August 31, 2015


Lots of stress in our lives of late. This does not make us special or unique in any way. But you all know what it’s like when you seem to have a perfect storm of ^&(*&&%^$! hit you from various directions. And it’s particularly stressful when bad things happen to people you love.

Okay, not to dwell on my troubles. Except to offer this as a smarmy excuse for the paucity of blogging I’ve done of late. Sorry about that. It’s just that the current emotional climate makes it difficult to come up with ideas for this little tete a tete. And when I have the brain and the energy to write, as happened this weekend just past, I have to direct my resources to the completion of the book manuscript.
I’d promise to do better but that would conflict with the promise to myself not to lie. So instead, I’ll just say that I will provide content when I have ideas I feel are worthy of sharing. And meanwhile, continue with the book.


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