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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

It's so hard

It is so, so hard not to respond to some of the utter hogwash making the rounds of social media these days.

For example, the guy who suggested that anyone who might vote for a certain candidate should move to Canada, instead of voting. And said leaving the country would contribute to maintaining democracy. So, let me get this straight – democracy is best served by the removal from the voting ranks of anyone who disagrees with you?
Pretty sure there’s a different word for that.

Once again yesterday someone posted the specious claim that anti-gun folks would change their tune when the bad guys break into their homes in the middle of the night. First mistake – I’m not anti-gun, a gun being an inanimate object. What I am ‘anti’ is idiots and criminals and – dare I say it – people who like guns entirely too much having guns. Especially guns that allow them to fire thirty rounds in thirteen seconds. And second, no… let it go, Michael. They’re not listening.
“My dog is smarter than your honor student!”  Need I say more? This person must have received some feedback, judging by how quickly she deleted the post.

I could go on, of course, but what would be the point?
I’d much rather focus my attention on the positive posts I see. Such as the one by Sindy about John Hall (high school teacher) contributing to her life. Or almost any of the cute / funny / heart wrenching dog videos people post. Or the post by one of Rachel’s friends, saying, “Life is not a spectator sport.”

Or the ones by my wife showing the reno job she and her brother are doing for their ailing mother. Or Sherree’s sharing a video of the guy getting a baby kangaroo to snuggle into his bag. Or, speaking of Sherrio, any pic with her bare feet in the foreground and the ocean in the background.
Angela’s reposts of her pics from college and Disney days. And her frequent sharing of fox videos (to be clear, the furry animal).

It’s all about what you choose to care about.

1 comment:

  1. Amen my Brother!! And you forgot to list Michael McDermott's amazing blog which never fails to inspire me!


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