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Saturday, January 9, 2016

You don't know...

…how much a person has become a part of your life until she goes to take care of her mother for a month and you’re missing her the first day.

…how lucky you are to live where you do until you’re riding home on the bus and look across the lake and the water is so flat and the hills so green and the Mountain is out.
…how incredible it is to have children until they both grow into these wonderful people who amaze you every time you’re around them.

…how scary it is to be a writer until you actually send out copies for comment – Oy!
…how cool your job is until you find yourself actually looking forward to flying on a Sunday.

…how beloved the dog is until you are able to watch him slow down.
…how twisted our brother is until it’s two weeks past Christmas and you still can’t figure out the point of the stocking stuffer he gave you.

 …how truly fortunate you are until you find yourself writing a list like this without having to, you know, think about it.

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