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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Parents untethered

I’m cooking about 10 pounds of bacon for the Senior Breakfast tomorrow morning. It’s a sly way of getting the celebrating seniors out of bed and off to the graduation rehearsal in time. I’ve always hated making bacon because of the spatters and after-smell. This time, I don’t mind so much. It’s kind of a labor of love, doncha know.
About this time tomorrow night, we’ll be watching Daughter Two give her valedictory speech and shortly after that, I’ll be helping put her and her buds on buses for the secret overnight party.
We got a taste of things to come this evening when Daughter Two left dinner early to head to work, leaving Mary and me to figure out what to do with ourselves the rest of the evening (other than cooking bacon, of course). Mary’s folding and sorting all the clothes that she’s going to encourage the daughters to give away. I’m stretching out the bacon gig.
Of course, we’re also assembling the supplies we’ll need for the grad party at Bjorn and Susan’s on Sunday. After that, sans doubt, we’ll find fewer and fewer daughter-centered activities to fill our time, and eventually there will come a point at which we’re faced with the fact that we have to live our own lives.
Parcheesi, anyone?

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