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Monday, September 12, 2011

Unexpected advantages

Yes, it’s that time again – a new list!!!!!
Ten things I didn’t know would be cool about both daughters being gone to college but are (cool, that is):
1.       We have guest rooms that don’t involve mattresses on the floor of the rec room.
2.       I can walk around in my skeevies and only have to listen to ONE woman going “E-e-e-ew!”
3.       For the first time in my fifty-eight years, all the colors in the Crayola box are mine, mine, mine!
4.       We can re-design the rec room as a – wait for it – REC ROOM!
5.       We can finally put our television through the Gilmore Girls exorcism!
6.       Only one laundry day per week.
7.       I no longer have to pretend to like the damned cat (although I do still have to feed it).
8.       We can dine on one pizza and still have leftovers.
9.       I no longer have to pretend to understand homework.
10.   We can get out the door five minutes after deciding where to go.


  1. From Michael's loving wife -
    Gilmore Girls shall continue to haunt you as long as I'm around and since when did you EVER pretend to like the cat? Who are you kidding? But I have to agree that there are advantages to having both kids out of the house:
    *Two bathrooms, two people = heaven.
    *Electricity bill is going to PLUMMET.
    *No "homework nest" taking up the family room.
    *Mailbox isn't over-run with college fliers.
    *I get the pick of three vehicles to drive.
    *Hot water is always available

  2. Don't expect the electric bill to plummet. I think someone at the utilities office has inside information on when our kids leave and they find a way to increase your bill so it stays nearly the same!

  3. We have found three benefits:
    1. Noisy Sex
    2. Noisy Sex
    3. Noisy Sex

  4. And I have three reactions:
    1. TMI
    2. TMI
    3. TMI


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