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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Baked apples

I’ve had some issues of late of a gastro-intestinal variety. Not to worry – that’s as much detail as I’ll be revealing here, so the squeamish among you can continue reading.

Combine the fact that I slept about twelve hours last night and so was feeling antsy with the feeling of uselessness from not getting any chores done. Add in a dollop of desire to do something useful that didn’t require the expenditure of much energy. Top it all off with three apples that I really should have eaten before that last business trip.
I haven’t had baked apples in forever. So I spent some time being domestic. And now, they’re cooling on the stovetop and this whole level of the house smells amazing.

I got the recipe (okay, confirmed the recipe, since it turns out that making baked apples takes pretty much the same ingredients and in the same proportions as one might have imagined) from one of my cookbooks and it took all of about ten minutes from pre-heat to setting the timer.
One of the things Mary and I have decided on is more home cooking. This is both a dietary and a frugality measure. I simply don’t spend enough time with my cookbooks. Or in the kitchen.

We don’t need to swear off cookies or Mary’s favorite white cake. We simple need to stop buying those things at the store. I love baking but I likely won’t spend enough time at it to overdo the intake of sweets.
I want to be able to see my own knees. And I want to be able to see them well into my eighties.

I wonder what else I’ve forgotten is right there in my cookbooks.

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