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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A list for midsummer

I took a little walk at lunch time today and it turned out to be a great day for noticing. It’s so nice when you’re jammed with work and can only take a few minutes to step outside and then the experience even for a few minutes is so great! And of course, I had my short term memory (my little notebook) in my shirt pocket, as always.

So without further falderal, might I present for your entertainment and edification….
Things you would have noticed had you been with me at Westlake Park at 12:09pm today (and were paying attention):

·         The most incredibly, indelibly blue sky;

·         A young guy with dreads getting a ticket from two bicycle cops for skateboarding on the sidewalk;

·         Ping pong games in progress on two tables;

·         A plethora of fake service animals (which chaps my hide but what the hell);

·         Buses coming and going;

·         The hot dog stand that never has a line but always has a customer at the window – gotta try that one day;

·         A young woman asking me to move so she could take a picture;

·         People eating bag- and takeout- and vendor cart- and leftovers-in-containers-lunches;

·         A singer with his guitar under the busker canopy – Dude, you gotta sing louder than that if you want tips;

·         Other people watchers, perhaps watching me – or you;

·         Kids on the big climbing toy;

·         Bums, as always;

·         Folks at the info booth answering questions for tourists;

·         A chess game with the huge pieces and lots of watchers and one young woman who clearly didn’t understand that quietly offering advice to one of the players is just…NOT…done…;

·         A group of students in a tour group staring at everything and everyone;

·          A young shirtless guy playing Chopin (I think) and then Fur Elise under the canopy and people walking right on past as though that’s not unusual – which, in Seattle, it’s not;

·         The illegal food cart guy looking nervously at the cops as they strolled up, until they ordered lunch;

·         And at least one other thing that I noticed but can’t recall because my short term memory notebook is flimsy and my hand tremor was in rare form today. An archeologist couldn’t decipher that scrawl.

1 comment:

  1. Noticing. One of my favorite sports.

    The woman at the chess game reminds me of advice my dad often shared with us.

    "Whenever backpacking or adventuring, always take a deck of cards with you. If you get lost pull the cards out and play solitaire. Before you know it, someone will be behind your shoulder telling you to put the black nine on the red ten!"


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