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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Summer fun

Bro and Sis-in-law are up for a visit and at the same time, we brought Daughter One home for a few days of seester time with Daughter Two. Pulled off the surprise of the year and I’m feeling very manly about my fatherly craftiness. Yowser!

Pat and I did the Fat Salmon paddle Saturday, serving as human buoys for the open water swim race. It was a good time and a good workout. An unusual (for this lake) wind-driven set from the East meant lots of chop and reflex wave action from the shoreline along which the course was laid out. A high number of swimmers tending (sometimes veering) off course, the kayak windcocking in the weird chop, a few of the kayakers fairly clueless newbies all added to the fun. All in all, more of a working day than the relaxing paddle these things usually are. But it was a great return to the water after a long time dry.
Sunday evening was Bjornbecue night. Bjorn is the best griller in the known world! Patty’s beans and Pat’s guac added up to a serious culinary score.

We did the tourist thing in Seattle yesterday – Pike Place, waterfront, seafood, the fishing fleet, the view from the bluff, there and back by monorail, all standard Seattle stuff. Made more enjoyable by the fact that for Pat and me, a lot of this is old home week.
Today will be taken up with a leisurely paddle through the Arboretum. Later, some thrift shop shopping, perhaps a trip to the falls, some easy hiking… Meanwhile, the Seesters will separate from us old folk to have a day of whatever seesters do before One gets back on the airplane in time for a pickup rehearsal for her dinner show.

All in all, this is a good week. One of those visits no agenda except to enjoy each other.
Family time.

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