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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday...

…is not so much like it was when Daughters One and also Two were young.

In their younger years, Mary would put together these quite amazing Easter baskets chock full of goodies and objets d’plaisir. (Okay, I made that Frenchified bit up but I like to fake being worldly so please just let me have it.)
We would fill the obligatory plastic eggs with candies and coins and hide both the eggs and the baskets in obscure places about the house. Come the morn, I would go down and feed the dogs and start coffee before beginning the torturous process of preparing the girls for the festivities of the day. Said preparation consisted primarily of suggesting a string of activities the girls might want to engage in before starting the hunt d’ goodies.

For example, I might suggest washing the truck or mowing the lawn or taking a lengthy hike, and ponly then beginning the festivities. Each of my suggestions would involve more of a delay and each in turn would be met with a louder chorus of boos, until finally I would ‘surrender’ to their wishes and the hunt would be on.
Of course, we took videos and still pics as the girls scurried about looking here and there to a raucous chorus of barking dog(s), depending on which year we’re considering.

This year is a bit more subdued. One is in Florida, so other than a call for well-wishing, sort of out of the picture (sigh!). Two flies back to Boston tonight but before she does, we have Mary’s sister and niece and her boyfriend here for a dinner of spiral-cut ham and cheesy potatoes. It looks to be a lovely evening.
It’s only natural that things change as time marches on. The girls, being adults now, are not to be entranced at the prospect of searching under cushions and behind doors for chocolate eggs. As I say, it’s only natural…

Still, I must confess to an insane urge to hide the ham.

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