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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I've created a monster

‘Kay, so here’s how it played out:

Daughter One is coming home for awhile. This is a very good thing.
 In the course of discussing you know, stuff, I sort of allowed as how I’m concerned about my health from a gross tonnage standpoint and working on both my intake and exercise. This level of honesty would also be a good thing, but…

This was not long after I’d learned she has developed into quite a cook and just before I said something to the effect of “Yeah, I’d love to try your healthful recipes!”
Mary is on her side, as is Two, as are most of our common friends.

To recap: I was honest with my daughter about my health and welcoming of her offer to introduce me to some of her culinary faves. Someone please tell me how this turned so badly against me!

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