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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Learning experience

Just returned from a road trip with Two to visit my family in the California bay area. It was a trip in more ways than one. Got to visit with two of my three sisters and their esposas, my brother and his, in a setting that was free of hoopla, agendas or expectations. It was special. Among the specialities (yes I know, but I’ll spell it as I wish!):

·        Visiting with Anne and Gary and finally getting to know him much better before their wedding in the Fall (he’s a nutball and so will fit right in);

·        Lots of chat with everyone about just whatever came to mind;

·        Got to see and interact with the new circle of cousins (my great nieces and nephews);

·        A wonderful reunion with a nephew I haven’t seen in years;

·        Scored some used books from Pat and Patty;

·        Schooled Pat on helicopter piloting;

·        Enjoyed some cool fireworks courtesy of City of Morgan Hill;

·        Forgot about work (almost) entirely.

Far and away the best part of the trip was the time in the car with Two, especially on the way home. For those who haven’t made the trip, it’s fourteen-and-a-half hours, an easy drive but a long one to do in a day. On the way down, Two slept and recovered from a nasty cold while I listened to a book on CD, munched Cheetos and wondered what people did who work in that building. Coming back, she shared the driving chore and with several days together behind us, we eased into heart-to-heart mode.
I learned more about her life at MIT, about her vision for her future, lots of personal and family stuff I won’t go into here. We really got to share and I learned a great deal, not just about her but about being a young women in post-millennial USA. And yes, about us as two adults, as father and daughter, as elder looking back and younger looking forward. And looking forward together.

I will drive again with her in August to facilitate her move to Chicago and of course, I look forward to that trip, as well. Then I will be driving back to Seattle with One the next week and that trip just has me all choked up in anticipation. I just can’t wait to get on the road with her and talk about anything and everything. She’s far enough past college that we’ll have a wealth of experience and outlook and forks in roads to discuss. She’ll play her music and we’ll talk about da book and books and ideas for writing. And her experiences as a young adult, which explorations worked for her and which not so much. I truly can’t wait! I can learn from this young women who had the courage to pursue a dream that would have scared me silly at her age.
I’ve always loved my daughters and they were fun kids (well, usually anyway…). But the young women they’ve become are fantastic people and the opportunity to spend whole days just chatting with each of them is precious. Being a dad is an incredible honor and also a lifelong learning experience.

Car tuned, check. Leave scheduled, check. House sitter lined up, check. Bring it on!
And yes, I do know how fortunate I am.

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