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Friday, August 3, 2012

Olympic volleyball

I’ve always thought of myself as immune to the passions that make for rabid sports fans. Mostly from lack of interest, I guess.  I’ve never watched a professional football, baseball or basketball game all the way through. Even when the girls were singing anthems, I’d leave before the actual game started.

 There are sports I enjoy watching occasionally. I’d always sort of liked volleyball and then Daughter two made me a believer. But for the most part, I just watch a few (insert appropriate basic unit of play for the sport in question) and then go about my business.

I’ve never cared one whit who won. Except of course for Daughter Two’s matches but that has more to do with community than partisanship.  I sort of take a perverse pride in my aloofness from the whole fan thing.

For example, tonight I was watching Olympic women’s volleyball and I noticed that the officiating seemed to be somewhat tilted against the USA team. Notice that I refrain from saying “our” team. I don’t go in for such false associations. Really, if anyone can be trusted to be an impartial, surely I’m the guy. So if I say the judging is off, you can take that to the bank.

Imagine my chagrin when I found that I’d mixed up the teams. USA on the right, other team on the left. Hm. And you know, on second thought, these international-level refs and line judges probably have a bit more officiating experience than I. And the up ref is probably in a better position to judge the net than I can through my TV.

I guess I was wrong after all. The refs are right. And, as it happens, the calls do seem to go largely in favor of the USA. As well they should.

I’m proud to point out that I don’t mind being proven wrong from time to time.

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