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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Learning at the gym

There’s an old saying to the effect that if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.  And while I agree with the sentiment, I’m not convinced that all learning has to be an intellectual pursuit.

I learned a few things at the gym recently, so I figured it was high time for another list. I wracked my brain trying to come up with an impressive title and I think I found one. I’m going to call this latest list “Things I learned at the gym.” Catchy, no?
So, without further falderal, I humbly  present…

Things I learned at the gym:

·         Until you start to sweat, you’re just playing around on some expensive machines.

·         Never sit on the bench in the locker room and try very hard not to think too much about why.

·         It’s all about reps, not impressive weights.

·         It’s not useful to bring drinks you don’t consume. Dehydration is a bad thing.

·         Stay away from the big guy in the tan shirt. Pretty sure he had chili for breakfast.

·         Don’t care how sexy you think you are; a sweaty butt crack viewed from behind is just not right.

·         I need to thank the guy (or gal) who invented the elliptical machine. Then, I’ll kill him (or her).

·         Take your own music. Twenty-something gym employees have no taste.

·         You truly need to relinquish your pride if you’re going to lose weight. You can’t grunt and sweat and look good all at once.

·         Certain areas of the anatomy do not do well with the combination of sweat and friction.

·         When you try to impressively swing the bar up on the curl machine without remembering to select any weight, it comes up really quickly and you can hit yourself in the neck with the bar.

·         Hurting is good.

·         At the gym, I’m nowhere near the smartest person in the room. For the foreseeable future, this is where I belong. 

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