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Monday, December 1, 2014

Nothing Special

That’s exactly what we did over the weekend, nothing special. And it was perfect.
With both daughters home for a surprise visit, we hadn’t planned any of the activities you generally plan for a long-overdue visit.

We took in the latest Hunger Games  installment together, sharing popcorn, red vines and Junior Mints. Mary and the daughters did Black Friday whilst I worked on a writing project. We had a low key but scrumptious Turkey Day dinner with our dear friends and neighbors Susan and Bjorn.
One had dinner with a couple of college friends and Two did coffee with her besty from high school. We sat in the rec room downstairs – currently the depository for all the stuff we’ve found in nooks and crannies – and discussed what goes and what stays, what’s precious and who bought which DVD.

I made my famous turkey soup, Mary prepared for this week’s business trip, One practiced new tunes for her dinner theatre gig and Two studied. We messed with the dogs and took turns doing dishes.
We spent a simple majority of the time in various combinations just being together. Catching up. Watching a hokey Christmas movie. Arguing over the heater setting. Ate out a couple of times. Mostly ate in, whatever leftovers each of us felt inclined to eat at the moment.

As I said, nothing special.
It was glorious!

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