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Sunday, March 27, 2016


The newest member of Clan McDermott is a Chihuahua. Yes, yes, one of those little constantly underfoot rat-like dogs. Well, maybe not so much a dog as a mutation of the canine strain in the direction of smallness.

I’ve always been more a fan of larger dogs. Sam was a Rottweiler / Blue Tick Hound. Odin was a Great Dane / Black Lab. I like my furry buddies to weigh in the three digit zone.
So, there we were at the animal shelter, Daughter One and I perusing the current offerings of the four-legged variety. Hugo was a cool Pug mix but Mary would never go for such a heavy shedder so no Hugo. Remington was a cool old guy but we were looking for a companion who would be a closer match to Zoey the Small and Annoying and Remington was decidedly large.

A young couple swooped in and snatched up the cute little black and white little girl before we could make our pitch.
Then about halfway down the left line of cages One came across this little shivering, ears-forward, tail wagging fist-sized girl who couldn’t get enough of One’s fingers to lick. Swear to Gawd, it was first sight love for da bote a dem.

She’s a sweet little thing and anxious for affection of any kind. And she’s house-broken. She’ll fit in just fine. And Zoey will be a great big sis to her.
So, welcome to the family, Cleo.

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