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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chicken soup

I am making chicken soup.
It did not actually start out as chicken soup. It started out as a really nice roasting chicken. My relative (okay, absolute) inexperience in the fine art of rotisserie roasting transformed it into a lump of baked chicken meat completely encased in chicken-skin charcoal.
Hey, I started out a mediocre singer and ended up a pretty fair business consultant.  So, why shouldn’t the worst roast chicken in history be transformed into a truly decent chicken soup?
So, I boiled down and picked the carcass, chopped onions and carrots and celery, cut up the surviving chicken meat and set the whole shebang to simmer. And now, after just an hour or so, it’s starting to smell really heavenly.
Tonight there will be no roast chicken for dinner. But tomorrow night, chicken soup!
My web is back to center.

UPDATE 7 Aug, 2011: The soup was one of the best I've made. I'm taking credit, even if it was an accident!

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