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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Constitution unconventional

My brother and I have had some interesting conversations these last few years (okay, decades) regarding politics. ‘Interesting’ being quite a mild modifier, considering the volume and passion attached to some of our discussions.
Sooner or later, if you love your bro, you make a decision: either stop talking politics or find a way to talk politics without polemics. And after a few false starts, we’ve decided to take the latter tack. In service of which, we intend to hold our own constitutional convention. Only two delegates will be in attendance, representing only ourselves. Oh, and the unnamed but real (in our minds, anyway) throngs whose fundamental beliefs and best interests we represent.

Instead of arguing about this candidate or that Supreme Court decision, we’re going back to core values. If it was up to us to frame a constitution, what would we include? And this will not be merely a collection of idle musings.
We’re going to actually write the thing.

And I’m excited about this project.
Damn, I’m a nerd!

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