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Saturday, February 21, 2015

The doggie cage

In the course of skinnying down our supply of crapola around the manse, we’ve been ever alert for news that some friend’s need for new crapola corresponds with some of the crapola we have available for donation. With this in mind, Mary heard that a friend was in need of a dog crate, one of those cage-like things you use to help new, incontinent little doggies transition to house-friendly pets. In the spirit of moving crapola we haven’t used in some time in the direction of gone, she offered him our old one.

It’s a nice-size crate suitable for a large dog or a small bear and it’s served several occupants, having served our own canine buddy and then loaned out twice.  And for years now, it’s been stored disassembled in the garage, against the wall behind two unused sheets of drywall and one of tile backer, several partial sheets of plywood, a couple of windows that I can’t quite recall why I decided to keep when we had them replaced, my old painting frame, and sundry other items.

Before I could even begin unleaning stuff to get at the crate, I had to move the truck rack frames, two ladders, a dozen bags of donation stuff waiting for pickup by Services for the Blind, and then roll the kayak rack out of the way. And of course, once I started pulling it out and with a few hundred pounds of the afore-mentioned stuff leaning against my hip, the various sections of the wire-mesh crate decided to interlock, meaning I had quite a time getting it to where I could actually – you know – shift the damned thing.

 I finally got it stacked in the back of Mary’s car and the various other stuff back in the garage. By the time I was finished, I was sweaty and annoyed and not fit for human company.


The dog crate is gone. One more unused thing out the door.

Only about a gazillion more to go…

P.S. To Shawn, if you should read this – no tags back! Gone stuff stays gone. Get it?

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