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Sunday, February 7, 2016

Clear water

There is a small lake about an hour’s drive from here, just on the far side of Snoqualmie Pass. It’s one of my favorite places to paddle and I promise it would be yours, as well.

Lake Easton isn’t huge – you could paddle all the way around the shoreline in a couple of hours – and it’s not deep, averaging about 35 feet. On the Northwest end where I‘ve paddled much of it is less than ten feet deep. It’s fed and drained by the Yakima River and serves as part of the irrigation reservoir system for agricultural eastern Washington.
It’s not accessible to kayaks just now, what with being covered with a layer of ice and even toward the end of summer the water can be quite cold.  

I love Lake Easton because the water is perfectly clear. I haven’t found a place where you can’t see the stumps of the former forest - every detail as though you could reach down and touch them. And because it’s closed to power boating, it’s always a nice tranquil place to kayak. A really great place to think.
I’ll be back there this spring, if I can find a paddle buddy.

We all have favorite places and this is one of mine. Just thought I’d share that.

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