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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Da haps

Yes, I know it’s been a while. I confess to being remiss. No excuses.

(Bet you thought there’d be a great big ole ‘but’ hereabouts, huh?)
Mary arrived home night before last after too long an absence. It’s amazing how much more settled I feel when I’m not rattling around alone in the house. We both have colds but I have a Washington cold and she has a Florida cold  so we circle each other suspiciously, wondering whether the bugs will cross-breed to our detriment. It’s been a very hands off homecoming.

Tonight I get to read a play by a dear friend and I cheated a little while printing it, reading through page 7 and nearly blowing off my afternoon plans but then manning up in the discipline department, so here I am. Tonight will be blissful.
Another beloved friend had a difficult last few, cleaning out her former manse, selling off stuff, and dealing with a lot of emotional baggage. I hope she understands how many of us are totally in her corner. Even though I know from experience that some hurts are your own and the love of friends is important but can’t take the hurt away. Some burdens you just bear.

I got through my first round reader comments on da book. They were both hard to take and precious to receive. The writers among you will get that. So da book goes back to the shop for a full rewrite. And why not just set it aside and go to the next project, you ask?

The next project – the one with Cecily and the non-traditional family that I’m just dying to get to - will wait. The Patent Desk waited most of my adult life so it retains its first in line status.
I’m going to a flash fiction event this week. Looking forward to that. Will I share the output here? We’ll see.

Worried about and hopeful for daughters.
Working on health-related self-discipline.

Researching for a talk I have to give in May and wondering what on earth makes these people want to hear what I have to say. Which makes me frantic to find something useful to say. An evil cycle of determination woven together with self-doubt.
Da haps. Life.

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