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Friday, February 19, 2016

Places to visit

I got to thinking about places I’d like to visit. Not so much bucket list destinations that I will find a way to get to come hell or high water, but places I would choose to visit, given the opportunity. So I clicked into the NY Times online to take a look at 52 Places to Go in 2015.

The shot of Milan was in front of a cathedral with perhaps a thousand tourists in the foreground. No, thanks, I love people watching but I’m not good with crowds.
Cuba might be cool, except ooh, hot. Nah.

Been to Philadelphia. It was okay – big city with some historical stuff. Loved the library. And the used book store associated with it.
Yellowstone I would go back to again and again. You should, too. Stay on the trails and away from the fauna. If you don’t believe me, read a book called Death in Yellowstone.

Been to Singapore and liked it but don‘t need to do it again. Had the best Chinese food ever there. Of course, I was there forty years ago so my knowledge of the place is likely a tad out of date.
The Faroes would be cool. Seriously, drop me off and pick me up in a month or two. The kind of place I’d go to write a book.

Zimbabwe would be high on my list. I’ve always been fascinated with the Great City.
No interest in French wine country, since I’ve zero interest in viticulture. Beautiful area, I’m sure but there are so many other places to see. Of course, I could drink coffee and read while Mary wine-tastes, I suppose.

New Orleans – been there several times, but only once by choice. ‘Nuff said.
I would LOVE to check out Greenland but it’s not the kind of place you Disney tour. For this one, you need to set aside time for sitting and staring, absorbing. I would love to do some imagining in the vicinity of Hvalsey Church. As with the Faroes, drop me off here for a stay.

I would also love to walk the trail of 88 temples in Shikoku, Japan.
San Antonio is a fave. The Riverwalk is a great evening experience but the really cool stuff can only be found if, say, your cousin is a local Catholic priest and a killer tour guide who knows all the back stories. Great food.

Roma. I know, clichéd but there is just so much to see there. Plus I’ve always loved the rhythm and timbre of Italians speaking Italian. And of course, there’s the food.
Taos. For both the land and the architecture. And as above, the food.

You might notice that the number of places I’d like to go far outstrips the number of places I am likely to go. And of course, there are lots of other places I haven’t listed here. That’s okay; your reach should always exceed your grasp. Especially if they have great food.

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