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Friday, November 16, 2012


As I’ve mentioned before, I keep a running list of ideas for future missives, stories and rants.  Some will end up on this site, some will be incorporated into other writing and some will never succed in capturing my interest.  I have ideas on various scraps of paper in stacks I’ve been meaning to sort. Ideas are written on the backs of ads and receipts and some wind up in the trash without ever being read and turned into something. Some are written on the backs of my hands and don’t survive the next shower.
One list came to my attention tonight that wasn’t my own. It’s captured in a Word doc in my computer writing file called “Mr. Woods’ Essay Topics.” And I really enjoyed reading it just now. Perhaps I’ll share the list with you in a future rambling.

Some background: Mr. Woods was Daughter One’s English teacher in high school and one ‘extra’ he offered was coaching in preparing for college apps. He was constantly encouraging his students to think of topics beyond the time-worn examples that admissions officers get tired of reading. So, he put together a list of topics that he would hand out to sophomores and juniors who were not yet immersed in the college quest. His idea was that every now and then, an underclassman would pull out one of the topics and jot down their thoughts. Then, when they had to write college app essays, they’d have all these starter ideas. I still think it’s a cool idea.
So, I was glancing through his list and one of the lines read “The best reason for going to college is…”

I’m engaged in completing my degree right now and to be frank, taking these last few classes is not going to do much to enhance my career opportunities at this stage of the game. I’ve told you before that I’d promised my mom I’d finish and now that she’s gone, I can’t renegotiate. But really the fundamental reason I’m working to finish the degree is because I want it for myself. That’s my reason. And you know, it really is the best reason.
That question could apply to a lot of aspects of our lives. What’s the best reason for…you fill in the rest.

One of you has been thrilling me with the trips she takes. I’m thinking about writing a blog entry about the best reason for taking a vacation. By which I mean, a specific vacation.
We know or think we know why we do the things we do, but it’s the word ‘best’ that makes this thought process so interesting to me. If I simply ask why I want to go on vacation, I might end up with a white bread version of what should be not only relaxing but invigorating. But Sheila thinks about the ‘best’ reason to plan a vacation and she ends up with the best vacations. We’ve watched her photos from some of the most interesting locales in the world and she’s soon to be off for an ice hotel north of the Arctic Circle. Now the reason for that choice is a best reason.

I think this is the essence of what Mr. Wood was inviting his students to explore. Don’t settle for the first answer. Or even a really good answer. Take the time to think of the best answer and you’ll get into the college that’s perfect for you, find a vacation that’s outside the right box, recall the most important advice you’ve received and thus be able to consider taking it.
Thanks once again to Mr. Woods. And as always, to each and all of you for listening.


  1. Glass igloos, not ice hotel. That ice hotel is CRAZY. I want to stay in my nice warm bed and look up at the Northern Lights all night!


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