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Monday, April 4, 2011


So, I’m sitting here thinking about a topic for tonight and my eye is drawn to motion. Over the horizon of my computer desk, I see Small Dog’s butt and wagging tail. She’s motionless except for her wag muscles, totally satisfied just to be here next to me.

Large Dog is laying on the far side of the couch, oblivious to my presence in the room. Unless, of course, I should move to another room.   In which case, after waiting a decent interval to be sure I wasn’t planning to return (Large Dog does NOT believe in wasted motion), he would move back into my  proximity, close but not too close.
Small Dog likes to be in eye contact. Large Dog just likes to know where I am.
They really are furry people, aren’t they?
I’ll write something cool tomorrow night. Right now, I have to go play fetch with a little furry person.


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