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Monday, March 28, 2011


Why is a woodland friendly but a forest foreboding?
Can a fish get away with farting?
What is the proper number of times to run the vacuum cleaner over a pine needle stuck in the carpet before it’s more cost-effective to just bend over and pick the darn thing up?  And once you do, what do you do with it? (Tell the truth!)
Why doesn’t everyone like the same music I do?
What is the half-life of cheese spread?
Why does such unhealthful food taste so good?
On the other hand, is there really such a thing as too much of a good thing?
Why wasn’t Quidditch a sport at my high school?
Work on these – more questions will be forthcoming in future postings.


  1. Why is a group of our lawmakers called "con"gressmen? Why are apartments called that if they are stuck together?

  2. [waaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands...]


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